El (realmente) Increíble Hulk
Hicimos muchos esfuerzos por conseguir una reseña de El Increíble Hulk, y cuando ya pensabamos que serían infructuosos, Erwin K. Roberts nos ofreció muy generosamente publicar su trabajo para un diario Local "The Johnson County Gazette" de Olathe, Kansas.
Obviamente el articulo original está en inglés así que hicimos una traducción y la publicamos conjuntamente con al reseña. La nomenclatura de la traducción incluye un enigmático "n.tr." = Nota del Traductor.
Esperamos que lo disfruten...
por Erwin K. Roberts (Traducción de Esteban Pedreros).
- La abuela de Erwin K. Roberts le leyó "Only A Poor Old Man" de Uncle Scrooge #1 ["Sólo un podre Viejo" de Tío Rico #1]. Ha disfrutado los cómics y las tiras cómicas desde entonces. Su colección incluye comics de Australia, Corea, Japón, el Reino Unido, México, e incluso de la Filipinas. Erwin colecciona revistas pulp como The Shadow. Hoy en día escribe historias sobre los héroes de antaño, además de sus propios personajes

Desde un suburbio Brasilero, a un brevemente silencioso campus universitario en Virginia, hasta el gran duelo final frente al Teatro Apolo de Harlem, The Hulk muestra por qué Stan lee y Jack Kirby decidieron llamarlo INCREÍBLE.
Cortesía de The Johnson County Gazette, Olathe, Kansas, U.S.A.
Versión original:
The (Really) Incredible Hulk
by Erwin K. Roberts
Director Louis Leterrier's new version of Marvel Comics 'Big Green Grouch' shares a strange parallel with The Incredible Hulk, the comic book. The first version of the comic was canceled after six issues. The first big screen version bombed. In the comics the Hulk made a comeback like Rockey Balboa. He fought as a guest star and guest villain, then as a backup feature. When the second print version of The Incredible Hulk reached the stands it was a hit. And the second theatrical film finally does the character justice.
The script by Zak Penn begins with a montage of how Bruce Banner experimented on himself and unleashed the rage driven creature and the five years since that happened. Blended together are the elements of the early comics and the well remembered TV show. Seems Gen. Thunderbolt Ross (William Hurt) oversaw that college laboratory. He and his daughter Betty (Liv Tyler) where injured in the first incident. Now Ross is obsessed with capturing Bruce Banner and exploiting the raw power he holds. (To me this is the film's weakest point. Through no fault of Hurt's Ross seems almost as over the top as the Colonel who tried to catch The A-Team.)
Banner, mean time, devotes his life to learning to control his anger and to find a cure. Edward Norton gives a fine performance. From a few camera angles he looks so much like Bill Bixby its scary. (By the way, Bill, Stan Lee, and Big Lou Ferrigno do put in brief appearances.)
From a Brazilian slum, to a briefly quiet Virginia college campus, to the big showdown in front of Harlem's Apollo Theater, the Hulk shows why Stan Lee and Jack Kirby decided to call him INCREDIBLE.
Courtesy of The Johnson County Gazette, Olathe, Kansas, U.S.A.
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